My last blog post was about the 1st of 8 aspects or limbs of Yoga, Yamas. This blog is going into the 2nd limb of Yoga, Niyamas. The Yamas and Niyamas are similar limbs with the main difference being the first limb consists of ethics and the second limb are personal practices and observances. These limbs progressively lead to the highest stages of awareness and to spiritual life.
1st Niyama~
This Niyama is about cleanliness. Simply put cleanliness of body, mind, and thoughts. Keeping a clean environment and home is also part of Shaucha.
![blog-120814-02-185x241 2nd Niyama SANTOSHA](
Everyone in Yoga school loved this Niyama. Santosha is about living in gratitude and trust. Being content and trusting in the goodness of life.
![blog-120814-03-480x480 3rd Niyama~ TAPAS](
Enthusiasm, excitement, and an inner fire to be the best you can be. Being passionate about pursuing spiritual enlightenment.
![blog-120814-04-264-261 4th Niyama~SVADHYAYA](
Practicing svafhyaya is like looking into a mirror and being able to see a deeper reflection of ourselves. Asking yourself deep questions like, “Do I reflect on my life and cultivate constant personal inner growth?” or, “Am I wise and intuitive, introspective and alert to the messages and answers all around me?”* Studying the self in a deep way.
![blog-120814-05-326x326 5th Niyama~ISHVARA PRANIDHANA](
This is about surrendering to the Divine within or your own intimate connection with the universe. Having this inner presence of Ishvara Pranidhana is like having our foremost teacher. Listening and honoring that inner voice is the best teacher one can ever have.
![blog-120814-06-400x279 blog-120814-06-400x279](