
Full Moon, Summer Solstice, San Culpa

"Hawaii time" is a term many of the locals here on the Island use when scheduling their time to be somewhere. As a mainlander, it takes some time to adjust to this casual way of life many have out here. I know every time I come out here it takes me a day or so to “drop in” to the lifestyle. In San Diego my lifestyle and livelihood revolves around time and schedules. Running late and being behind on time gives me a lot anxiety as I hate to have people wait for me because I know how important their time is too. Somehow, the vibe here is different. The day just slowly goes bye and if you are running behind or someone is taking longer to meet you, you just kinda go with the flow. Now I wouldn’t really recommend trying this at home or with your business but I find it interesting none the less. These Hawaiians have a really special way of looking at life and really enjoying every day. I would love to be able to bottle this feeling up and be able to sprinkle it over me whenever I need a little boost or even just a reminder what a blessing each and every day is. I know this, you know this, but we (universal we) still get stressed, anxious, irritable, pissed, and frustrated. I’m sure my Hawaiian Ohana experiences some of those emotions as well but I do think this culture has better control over it. Maybe it is not even control, it is a letting go. All I know is that I would like to learn more how to live carefree. I want to let go of my stress and anxiety! Thank goodness for Yoga. Thank goodness for Hawaii.

Since I have been here I started listening to a old podcast on my computer I had downloaded in 2009 but never listened to. Its topic is of the ancient teachings of Hawaiian Huna. This belief system is believed to be originated as early as 300 AD and revolves around balancing peace and harmony in our life with an awareness of 3 levels of consciousness. The levels are sub-conscious or intuitive, conscious or rational, and superconscious or connection with the divine. It is believed that with this knowledge of our 3 selves we can manifest healing to the body and mind and create a personal empowerment to achieve life goals.

I found myself growing more and more interested in this metaphysical practice that I also purchased a book at a used bookstore. What I have gathered from my learning so far is that it aligns very much with what I know to believe already but organizes it in a spiritual manner. It should also be noted that this is not a religion or to be treated as one. This belief system is also linked to ancient Egypt and India circulating around life force energy or as we know in sanskrit as Prana or Chi. And it is believed one who is truly able to practice Huna will have the ability to influence destiny or consciousness. It is kind of like “The Secret”. Remember that book and documentary from 2006? It is similar in belief system or “law of attraction” that what you believe, say, and do can and will be manifested! Energy flows where attention goes!

This has been inspiring to me. I am excited to be the best version of myself. I really like that Huna aligns with what I already believe in. On this eve of the summer solstice and full moon I have really felt a strong energy flowing over here at “Hale Kai” or ocean house. As individuals in our group we are all putting thought and energy into letting go of something that no longer serves us and what ever that may be, tonight we will write that down on a piece of paper and toss it into the fire and not look back. Then in a few days we will be setting an intention, or “San Culpa” as some call it. San Culpa is an affirmation or intention that is repeated throughout your yoga practice or meditation. It is a positive in nature and can include aspects of Huna, Yoga Sutra, and energy to manifest your hearts desire. The mantra is scripted as if it is already happening or true. Some examples of intentions are; to experience inner peace, to release a heaviness or sorrow, to energize or to learn something new about myself. Intention is focused on the present, unlike a goal, which is focused on the future.

Tonight I have decided to really love myself unconditionally and to let go of negative self talk. No more I’m not smart enough, no more I can’t do that, no more I’m too fat. I am me and I want to rejoice in all my amazing attributes, silly characteristics, and love my body. Tonight I will burn my negative self talk.

As the week progresses and I continue with my meditation and yoga practice and my San Culpa will be in nature of the Hawaiian time I spoke of. I want to slow down and focus on the now. Let go of the anxiety and hurry. Stop and smell the roses, to appreciate and enjoy the beauty in life even if it may not seem ideal at the moment. Love your family, love your friends, love nature, and importantly to love yourself. With this I truly believe I will find the joy in every day. You never know when it is going to be your last.

On that note, I want to thank the Dolphins for the visit in the ocean today. They have inspired me as they have every time I have seen them in the past. Yes, I feel blessed. I am grateful.

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