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Full Moon, Summer Solstice, San Culpa
"Hawaii time" is a term many of the locals here on the Island use when scheduling their time to be somewhere. As a mainlander, it takes some time to adjust to this casual way of life many have out here. I know every time I come out here it takes me a day or so to "drop in" to the lifestyle. In San Diego my lifestyle and livelihood revolves around time and schedules. Running late and being behind on time gives me a lot anxiety as I hate to have people wait for me because I know how important their...
Hawaii Yoga Teacher Training Bound 2016
A L O O O H A!!!! And I am off! On my jet plane headed to my beloved Island of Hawaii in South Kona to work and play with my Ohana at Yoga Adventure Teacher Training. All the work leading up to today has been a great deal of excitement but not without some big waves of a storm I had to ride out. I am REALLY happy to be somewhat settled in my new office space. I couldn't have been luckier to get to just move upstairs. Although the move wasn't all that physically demanding, the stress and...
Last few days and then back home
I am back home now. Wow, what a amazing time. I truly love this place and what it produces. The love that we all have towards each other, the growth and the special friendships we have made over our time here, and all that we have learned about Yoga and ourselves is profound. Our last few days here were fantastic. We learned about the Bhagavad Gita while sitting on the beach at Makalawena Beach, the students all taught amazing classes, and we all started feeling the presence that the end of our journey here was near. We all grew a...
Yoga Teacher Training
Aloha! We are into 3 weeks of this years Yoga Teacher Training and everyone is doing great! We have had 2 classes with Local folks here on the Island. Everyone has learned so much. As a reward we took a day trip to the Hawaiian Volcano Park. We hiked several miles down the crater and then entirely across, back up, and over to our starting point. It was a great hike. Once down in the crater we stopped at a steam vent, did some yoga, performed the hula, and left her (Madame Hele) some flowers and incense. It was amazing...
Time Flies
Wow! I can't believe how the days at this teacher training are flying bye! All of the students are absolutely wonderful people. We have a variety of people from France, Samoa, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, and Florida. There are 15 students in total. I thought I would have a harder time learning everyone's name but they are all so friendly it came quickly. My intention origianally was to blog every other day. With the busyness going on there is no way that is possible. My typical day starts at 6am in the kitchen. If breakfast is made quickly...
Hale Kai Yoga Teacher Training 2013 – Entry 1
I made it! President Barack Obama happened to be in Los Angeles on Friday, the day I needed to catch my flight to Kona. I wasn't aware that just his presence in the area caused the airport to modify all of their flight schedules. As I arrived to the commuter flight terminal in San Diego a little over an hour hour early, I proceeded to the check-in counter to check my 1 (big) 43 pound bag (I did good, thanks Jen!). Anyway, as I was walking up to the check-in I heard my name over the loud speaker. I told...
Don’t Worry, Be Happy!
Do you remember what a hit that song was, by Bobby McFerren? "Don't Worry, Be Happy" was the number 1 hit in 1988! I bet some of you reading this weren't even born yet! I was the ripe age of 12, being a pre-teen know it all. I was just in Jr. High, it was a great song that all of the kids at our school dances could get up and dance and sing to. It is a happy and fun song, I remember it even impacting me then. Why don't we just not worry, and just be happy? I...
Seasonal changes with late summer early fall
We have definitely been feeling the heat wave this late summer. The heat felt in San Diego this last weekend reminded me of when I was living in Arizona! The summer season should be wrapping up soon and our bodies have accumulated plenty of heat in our tissues, which has/can been causing some discomfort to our bodies. That heat is governed by our fiery Pitta dosha, according to Ayurveda. Ayurveda means 'The Knowledge of Life' and dosha means abnormal. Every person possesses some qualities of all three doshas. Most people will have a one predominant constitutional dosha, but some may...
Hopi Elders’ Prophecy
You have been telling people that this is the Eleventh Hour; now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered…. Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation? Where is your water? Know your garden. It is time to speak your truth. Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for your leader. Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, "This could be a good time! There is a river flowing...
Our many layers of self ~ Koshas
Just as reptiles shed their many layers of skin human beings have a similar potential to shed layers our spirit and self realization as we become more enlightened. These layers we have are a part of us united at the core by spirit. Each layer is distinct spiraling out from the center connecting our body, mind, spirit, and intelligence. The 5 Koshas are these spiraling layers that make us who we are surrounding our true spirit. PHYSICAL~ ANAMAYAKOSHA- Ana means food. Food is neccesary for the physical body. This is the first layer respecting the physical body, digestion, and assimilation. ...
1st Certified Class!
I had been so stressed about teaching my first real yoga class with strangers. I had been thinking about this day for weeks now. I knew it was coming. I kept practicing and practicing with friends and family. Finally the day came, and I woke up feeling good. Surprisingly, I felt a new calmness about my yoga class I would be teaching that day. I had been meditating and asking the divine to help me rid my anxiety. I gave myself permission to bring a script up to my mat with me in case I forgot what I had planned....
Class on Thursday!
Becoming a Yoga instructor is alot more of challenge to me than I ever thought it would be. It is quite humbling. I am teaching my first official class this Thursday. Now, yes, I have been teaching my practicum classes ever since I got home from my Yoga Teacher Training in Hawaii. I have been getting positive feedback from my students, which is really nice. What I have discovered is that it's something from within that I need to trust and believe. It is not like I can just be the same as some of my mentor yoga instuctors. I...
2nd limb of Yoga~Niyamas
My last blog post was about the 1st of 8 aspects or limbs of Yoga, Yamas. This blog is going into the 2nd limb of Yoga, Niyamas. The Yamas and Niyamas are similar limbs with the main difference being the first limb consists of ethics and the second limb are personal practices and observances. These limbs progressively lead to the highest stages of awareness and to spiritual life. 1st Niyama~ SHAUCHA This Niyama is about cleanliness. Simply put cleanliness of body, mind, and thoughts. Keeping a clean environment and home is also part of Shaucha. 2nd Niyama SANTOSHA Everyone in...
Yama is not an animal resembling a Llama
In yoga Philosophy, The Yoga Sutra's by Patanjali, there are various teachings called The Eight Limbs of Yoga. The first one of the eight is called Yamas. Yamas can be described as human ethics, similar in ways to the 10 commandments, except there are 5 Yamas. In fact the following "Limb" of yoga is Niyamas, which also contains 5 elements but focuses on how we relate to our personal observances. So today's blog is focusing on the first limb of yoga, Yamas. 5 Reflections in Yamas 1. Ahimsa: This reflection can be compared to the way parents teach their children...
Summer and Ayurveda
We just past summer solstice a couple of weeks ago. What does that mean? Well the season has changed and it is officially summer. Time to cool down and slow down, maybe take a swim. The changing of seasons can be a tough change for our bodies to acclimate to. In Ayurveda (Yoga's sister science) when summertime comes we need to try and cool the body and try and keep our Pitta from getting too hot. Because Pitta is associated with fire it can overheat and leave the body out of balance. We all have some degree of Pitta in...
I’m Back Home!!!
I'M BACK!!!!! It was truly amazing. Parents, send your kids to Yoga Teacher Training instead of College. They will get more out of it. But seriously, it was life altering. I have a few more writing projects to complete, some practicum hours to fulfill, and a elective project to create and then I am officially a certified Yoga Instructor. Every little bit of it was awesome. You should go. Seriously, go. And there were Dolphins! They are such a joy to swim with! Aloha, Mahalo and A hui ho (until next time). Every little bit of it was awesome. You...
I’m the Yoga Teacher!
I introduced Sharky to the class for the first time. He was wearing a Hawaiian Lei and sat in on the class. This morning was so exciting! I got to teach my first hour long Yoga class to everyone! We all have complete complete artistic, creative ability when creating our own classes to teach so I chose to do a class for hip and shoulder openers. I also themed the class to honor the Spirit of Aloha and my favorite state of Hawaii. The music was all Hawaiian Aloha style and I threw in several yoga asana's that have names...
1 Week Left
I can't believe that there is only 1 week left at the Yoga Teacher Training! I have to admit, people were right when they said that this will change my life. I have become so much more conscious in so many ways. I feel inspired and so alive and healthy. I want to share the knowledge and keep learning more and more. Yoga is pretty amazing in so many ways. On top of that, all of the girls here are beautiful inside and out. The teacher is so outstanding, I absolutely love Deborah. And David, her husband and Chef is...
A few lovely pictures from Yoga training
My new friend Daniella from Virginia My bed and canopy My ceremonial tiki hut from Timor Anatomy lesson Morning Yoga Practice We decorate our shrine and spaces with flowers we pick daily with love My new friend Donae from Wala Wala Wahington Every meal starts with holding hands and giving thanks with in My personal shrine and crystals in my room The Wahines waiting for thier coconuts! I got my coconuts! Fathers Day ceremony on the lava field. My Flowers for my father (left to right) My Dad, Grandpa Walter, Grandad Crane, David Thompson, and in the back Bob Carr
1st post on Island!
Aloha! Finally, I got the internet up and working! Many days without internet, coffee, tv, and radio/music. I feel content now with just the internet. My emotions are so strong. Jon and I had an amazing time together on the Island. He left several days ago, which was so hard saying goodbye. We did so many things; we went snorkeling with dolphins, we SUP paddle-boarded, we went on a boat cruise, we went to the Volcano, and we really just had a great time exploring the Island together. Since he left, I feel sad, but so invigorated with the immersion...
Headed to Hawaii!
ALOHA! All packed and ready to go!!!!! I guess I packed a bit more than just a few bikini's and yoga clothes. Oh well. Only 10 bikini's this time versus the 14 last year. Catching the plane tomorrow morning. Very excited!!!
17 days until Aloha time!
I am pulling out the bags and starting to throw in my Yoga tops, shorts, and swimsuits. I figure I won't need much more than that right? Some journals and colored pencils and pens will make it in the bag too. I am so happy my parents got to meet Deborah and David when they were visiting the Big Island last November. I remember my Mom was a bit reluctant to drive the 45 minutes out of Kona just to go look at some place I wanted to get my Yoga Teacher Training at. Thanks again parents! In actuality when...
Yoga Teaching Credentials Here I come
Hawaii!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!! Just thinking about Hawaii brings tears to eyes. In 32 days, June 1st I will embark on my adventure to Hawaii, the Big Island to get my Yoga Teaching credentials. I will be there for the entire month living and breathing Yoga everyday. Apparently the house I am staying at is on the beach. The teacher says sometimes our yoga practice may get interrupted due to a pod of dolphins playing in our back drop where we will jump in the ocean and join them. Our studies will include a variety of yoga practice and daily...